
Thank you for visiting MNE 2016

The organizers would like to thank all participants, authors, exhibitors, and sponsors for making MNE 2016 such a success!

Participants are welcome to download photos of MNE 2016 (Photo: Marko Kovic).

Please make sure to save the date for MNE 2017 in Braga, Portugal: September 18-22, 2017

Special Reminder for Authors – MEE Special Issues Deadline

Open call for papers for four special issues in the Elsevier Journal of Microelectronic Engineering associated with the 42nd Micro- and NanoEngineering conference, MNE 2016:

Manuscript submission deadline: October 14, 2016
For more information, please click here.


MNE 2016 is the 42nd international conference on micro- and nanofabrication and manufacturing using lithography and related techniques with around 700 participants. The conference brings together engineers and scientists from all over the world to discuss recent progress and future trends in the fabrication and application of micro- and nanostructures and devices. Applications in electronics, photonics, electromechanics, environment, life sciences and biology are also discussed.

Electronic systems will continue to shape our future. Micro- and Nano-Engineering is at the heart of this development enabling micro- and nano-electronics, embedded, cyber-physical as well as integrated systems. It is indispensable for applications such as automated driving, internet of things, intelligent infrastructures as well as digital revolution in industry. At least ten percent of the gross domestic product throughout Europe depends on Micro- and Nano-Engineering.

This broad spectrum is also reflected in the selection of outstanding plenary speakers at MNE 2016. In addition, 17 world-Ieading invited speakers will reflect modern topics in the four MNE categories: micro- and nanopatterning, micro- and nanofabrication, micro/nano devices and systems, and micro- and nanotechnology/engineering for life sciences and biology.

Meet your community at MNE 2016.

Be involved in

  • scientific discussions in 150 oral and over 300 poster contributions
  • newest developments and instruments displayed at the industrial exhibition in 34 booths
  • networking in the amazing atmosphere of a Viennese “Heurigen” (conference dinner)

Come to Vienna, the number one city in quality of living!


This webpage contains the logos of Sponsors/Exhibitors whose support is indispensable for this conference.